Karate Bristol Timetable

Karate Bristol’s trial session approach

Not sure if karate is for you? - Don’t worry! Your first session is completely free.
Simply call me on 07882385936 to come along to one of our sessions…

Karate Bristol Dojo at Watermore Primary school

6.00 - 7.00 then 7.00 - 8.00 on Mondays

We run two sessions on a Monday.
A Cadet (beginner class) and a Senior class.
This means senior students and adults can attend up to 2 hours of continuous, appropriate training.
The Cadet class focusses on karate basics and exercises.
As they progress we prepare them for the senior class.

Lower Stone Close, Frampton Cotterell, Bristol, BS36 2LE

Karate Bristol Dojo at Manor Hall

6.00 -7.00 then 7.00 - 8.00 on Tuesdays
We run two sessions on a Tuesday in 2 halls.
A Cadet (beginner class) and a Senior class.
This means senior students and adults can attend up to 2 hours of continuous, appropriate training.
The Cadet class focusses on karate basics and exercises, ideal for younger beginners.
As they progress we prepare them for the senior class.

Henfield Rd, off Roundways, Coalpit Heath, Bristol BS36 2TG

Karate Bristol Dojo at Crossbow House

6.00 -7.00 then 7.00 - 8.00 on Thursdays

We run two sessions on a Thursday. A combined cadet and senior class.
This means senior students and adults can attend up to 2 hours of continuous, appropriate training.

Crossbow House, School Road, Frampton Cotterell, BS36 2DB

Karate Bristol Dojo at Manor Hall

10.00 -11.00 then 11.00 - 12.00 on Saturdays

We run two sessions on a Saturday Morning. A combined cadet and senior class.
This means senior students and adults can attend up to 2 hours of continuous, appropriate training.

Cadets: Coloured belted students who can train at senior classes when they have a level of experience and maturity in the dojo.
Students will be invited when they become suitable.

Seniors: Usually all adults at all belt levels. Blue to black belt under 16.

Please note:
*Our pay as you go costs are Kids £12 and adults £15 per hourly session.
Because we believe that regular training is necessary and not adhoc attendances, one of the above tariffs should be better value for money. An EKF licence is also necessary for everyone training with us in the long term.


There is an initial one-off enrolment fee of £60 payable upon joining the club.
*If there are other family members joining too, then the enrolment fees decrease to £20 per additional person.

  • £40 Kick Starter CADET monthly tariff.

    Cadets are aged up to 10yrs can train once a week. It’s recommended that this should increase after one or two years’ experience.

  • £55 Elite CADET monthly tariff.
    Cadets 11yrs+ can train twice weekly.

  • £60 Pro TRAINER CADET monthly tariff.
    Cadets 11yrs+ can train at all/ any of the sessions.

  • £55 Kickstarter ADULT monthly tariff.

    You can train once weekly

  • £65 Elite ADULT monthly tariff.
    You can train four times weekly.

  • £70 Pro TRAINER ADULT monthly tariff.
    You can train at all/ any of the sessions.

  • Family Memberships:
    £80 for 2
    Family members per month.
    £95 for 3
    Family members per month.
    £110 for 4
    Family members per month.

  • Family Member students can train at any/all session. This is by far the best value membership and applies to families.

See you in the Dojo

Sensei David 5th Dan, Renshi