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Sensei David Judah Daniel
I set up Karate Bristol over 10 years ago when the club where I was training closed down. I attempted to rebuild the regular training philosophy I’d been used to.
Since then we now have 3 venues. Manor Hall in Coalpit Heath, Watermore Primary School & Crossbow House.
Today we’re able to train most days.
Now as a 5th Dan, I plan to add even more training days to offer regular training and a flexible timetable.
The training experience has been enhanced with a good amount of investment being ploughed into training aids.
My Story
I grew up in the 1970s / 80s when my early days of school were not pleasant. I was a victim of bullying.
My Dad’s advice to me was not to come home and tell him I’d been beaten up or he’d beat me up.
Not the sort of advice I’d give, but looking back this was good advice for me and inspired me to make this karate thing work.
Aged 9, I explored the combat sports available to me at my school. These included boxing and wrestling. We add some of the techniques I learnt to be effective into our karate training.
I began karate and martial arts later in life. Starting with Shotokan and then moving on to Shito ryu.
Aged 60 in June 25, I train everyday. Sometimes twice a day. I train to become a better martial artist, teacher and mentor.
I’m fighting the aging process at the same time so I know it’s something you are never too old to participate in - and I’m far from being the oldest in the club.
I have also gained level 2 instructor qualifications in Gym instruction and Circuit training.
I’ve always kept up with a tough fighters’s regime and encourage my students to keep on top of their fitness levels too.
Karate Bristol
We are a growing club and have over 150 students training at our Bristol dojos. My plan is to expand memberships and increase the number of training nights.
I’m conscious that Karate might be considered old fashioned by today’s standard.
My long studying, experience and analysing of karate - along with the other combat arts, has changed my perception of things since I was first introduced to the world of combat. Today there is a far wider choice of Martial arts. My priority now being the teaching of effective & efficient ways to deal with stressful & threatening situations.
Karate needs to constantly evolve to embrace and include other ideas from other arts. At Karate Bristol, this is a passion and we’re constantly introducing new ideas and techniques to expand our karate.
Self-defence is a major part of each class. Typically, we rehearse 'bunkai' - (The techniques often hidden within our kata) We are friendly and make a point of welcoming new members without intimidation. Holding a mutual respect for our training partners.
Our younger students do the very same karate as the adults and most will stay with us for years. Many seamlessly become part of our adult contingent.
Partnering up
My instinct has guided me to dedicate half the time our students spend training is with a partner.
We learn distance, timing and footwork in a more realistic way.
Our brand of karate mixes other well known martial arts techniques like boxing and wrestling. We practice with a modern twist analyse and stress test.